Parenting and Family Trainings

CVN Training Series

The Cohen Veterans Network Training Team is proud to share our training series featuring experts in child, adolescent and family therapy. The series features two clinical webinars for behavioral health providers and one for parents, caregivers, teachers and other professionals who regularly interact with children and teens. All trainings are free and CEs are available for clinical webinars. We hope you enjoy!

These trainings are generously supported by USAA.

Children, Youth, & Families Webinar Series:

Title: Partnering with Parents in Child and Play Therapy

  • Presenter: Robyn Gobbel
  • About: Identify practical and actionable strategies for clinicians to improve their relationship with parents and caregivers to increase engagement and support in the therapy process
  • Audience: Behavioral health professionals– 3 Free CEs
  • Link: You can earn 3 CEs for viewing this recording and completing an evaluation and quiz! Simply follow THIS LINK to access the training. (Note: CVN Staff should NOT use this link and should instead access the course via your CVN Relias Account).
  • Recorded on March 14, 2024, 1-4 pm ET

Title: Introduction to Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS)

  • Presenter: Dr. Ross Greene
  • About: In this webinar, Dr. Greene provided an overview of the CPS model- a model of care designed by Dr. Greene himself that better equips parents and caregivers with problem solving techniques in partnership with children. This webinar provides practical strategies for parents, caregivers, teachers, clinicians, and other professionals who regularly interact with children and adolescents.
  • Audience: Open to the public: For parents, caregivers, teachers, clinicians, and other professionals who regularly interact with children and adolescents.
  • Link: Simply follow THIS LINK to access the training. (Note: CVN Staff should NOT use this link and should instead access the course via your CVN Relias Account).
  • Recorded on April 11, 2024, 3-4:30pm ET

Title: Collaborative & Proactive Solutions: Operationalizing the Key Themes

  • Presenter: Dr. Ross Greene
  • About: In this webinar, Dr. Greene will describe the Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems (ALSUP) and the three mechanisms (Plans A, B, and C) by which caregivers approach children’s unmet expectations.
  • Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to describe how to identify lagging skills and unsolved problems, describe Plans A, B, and C, and what is accomplished by each, describe the three steps of Plan B and what is accomplished by each
  • Audience: Behavioral Health Professionals- 3 CEs available
  • Link: You can earn 3 CEs for viewing this recording and completing an evaluation and quiz! Simply follow THIS LINK to access the training. (Note: CVN Staff should NOT use this link and should instead access the course via your CVN Relias Account).
  • Recorded on April 18, 2024 2-5pm ET

These webinars will be available to view for free for 1 year after event date.

If you are interested in joining our CVN Training mailing list, please email with your request.